Burcin Yilmaz
Burcin Sonmez
architecture office
Born in Ankara in 1988, Burçin Yılmaz graduated from Gazi University, Department of Architecture, in 2010. Although she was not the top student in the department, she was chosen to deliver the graduation speech on behalf of the university graduates at the 2009-2010 ceremony. During her undergraduate studies, she actively participated in various workshops held at Gazi University. After graduation, she worked in several architectural offices for two years. Since 2012, she has been pursuing freelance architecture work under the Burçin Sönmez Architecture Office, which she founded. Her first project, the Milking Cow Farm, taught her that architecture is not just about designing spaces for people.
Although she initially started her master's degree at Gazi University, she transferred to TOBB University of Economics and Technology to work on her thesis topic under the guidance of her advisor, Prof. Dr. Nur Çağlar, who had become the founding department head at TOBB ETU. She began her studies at TOBB ETU as a scholarship student and teaching assistant, contributing to various courses during this period. She graduated in 2017. After graduation, she had been tutoring architectural design studios as an adjunct staff at TOBB ETU. During this process, she participated as a researcher in the Erasmus+ projects; MateriArt, e-CREHA.
Since 2020, she has been pursuing her PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Her dreams include being present, designing, producing, and leaving a lasting mark in every aspect of architecture.
areas of interest
web design